
South India loaded with Rainfall : 1 Dead in Tamil Nadu

The South states have always faced heavy rainfall during this season in december and just like every year, this year as well Tamil Nadu and states nearby are having flood like situation which is definately not good news.

Chennai: Heavy Rainfall faced across 4 districts named Tirunelveli , Tenkasi, kanyakumari and Tuticorin. These district face rainfall for 15 hours continuos and it is not stopping. Kanyakumari faced a rainfall of 17.3 cm and districtes like Tuticorin and Tirunelveli witnesed rainfall of 26cm and 60 cm respectively.

High Alert is passed in the area, 1 died in the Tuticorin district and there is no way to comute to help people stuck there. Only means of transport is Airways where the Indian Airforce is helping in providing food and rescuing people from that area.

Public Holiday has been declared today in these districts in accordance of the current flood situation in the area. Banks, Schools, Colleges and many private establishments are shut due to the same. The floods are not normal ankle water but the water level is increasing rapidly till the knee and at some parts the watter logging is till the waist.

Not just the rainfall, there is a cyclone expected too so 3 SDRF (State Disaster Response Force) have been deployed at Kanyakumari, and 2 NDRF (Nationational Disaster Response Force) have been sent to Tutucorin and  Tirunelveli districts. Multiple boats have been deployed at other districts and nearby towns of Kayalpattinam and Srivaikundam.

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