
China’s Shenzhou12, The ‘Divine Vessel’, Launched with a Mission

China launches Shenzhou-12, its three-man crew on 17th Thursday morning. Nie Haishneg, liu Boming and Tang Hongbo are the 3 astronauts chosen for this historic mission which is aimed towards setting up a new home in space and test of new technologies.

About China’s Shenzhou 12, The ‘Divine Vessel’

Shenzhou 12, is a Chinese spacecraft manufactured by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation that took off at 9:22 a.m. Beijing time (0122 GMT) on 17th June 2021 with a mission duration of 90 days planned.

China launches Shenzhou-12, that marks the seventh crewed flight of the Shenzhou program and the spacecraft consists of three People’s Liberation Army Astronaut Corps taikonauts.

It is the first flight to the Tianhe core module of the Chinese space station Tiangong.

Following the Shenzhou 11 it was planned originally to launch Shenzhou-12 as the second visiting mission for the experimental Tiangong-2 space station. The plans of launching on second mission were terminated and China launches Shenzhou-12 as the replanned version mission to the Tiangong space station which currently consists of one module, Tiahne, launched on 29th April 2021. China launches Shenzhou-12 that will create a mark for the first of four crewed missions, by the end of the construction.

china new space mission

China Launches Shenzhou-12, Aim And Objectives Of The Mission

China launches Shenzhou-12 which witnessed blue skies and a perfect view of the launch on border of Gobi Desert which reached the destination after six-and-a-half hours flight at the Chinese space station Tiangong following the launch and successful docking of Tianzhou 2, the second flight of China’s cargo resupply craft.

At 10:48 UTC marking the first time taikonauts entered the Tiangong space station. China launches Shenzhou-12 with mission to perform tasks such as the mechanical arm operation and extravehicular activities, and to establish chain of key technologies and a longer period residence in space and recycling of resources and life support of astronauts. China launches Shenzhou-12 with a plan of two spacewalks to occur during the crew’s more or less three-month stay in orbit. Having Shenzhou 13 as a standby for a possible rescue mission.

China Launches Shenzhou-12 with 3 astraunats

China Launches Shenzhou 12 With Three-Man Crew

In a press conference on 16th June 2021 the crew was publicly introduced.

  • Commander, Neigh Haishneg 3rd spaceflight, aged 56, a veteran of Shenzhou-6 and Shenzhou-10.
  • Operator 1, Liu Boming 2nd spaceflight, aged 54, a crew in Shenzhou-7.
  • Operator 2, Tang Hongbo, 1st spaceflight, aged 45, making his first time to space.

China launches Shenzhou `12, the first crew to reside abroad Tiangong space station where along later Russia will fly its spacecraft and send their crew to the Chinese space station accompanying them even European space agency will also send its astronauts, they might expect related corporation from other developing countries.

China launches Shenzhou 12 was a successful turn out and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson congratulates China on its huge success.

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